The flash season 5 cicada
The flash season 5 cicada

"We've been laying Easter eggs the back half of this season, especially, but there's no way you're going to miss this one." "There's a big thing in this episode that tees up the rest of the Crisis arc for next season," Helbing teased.

the flash season 5 cicada

We've known for years that the Flash vanished in a crisis in the future, but Helbing says we're finally going to see a major development in that storyline that will carry us into Season 6. This finale won't just finish off the Cicada story arc - it will also set up a storyline we've all been waiting for since Season 1. The Flash's Disappearance Will Play a Major Role in the Next Arrowverse Crossover It may turn out to be someone else entirely on the other end of that dagger, so clutch your favorite characters close while you can! But we'll keep our fingers crossed for Nora, since The Flash has always been good at pulling a bait and switch. I'll say this, there's probably more consequences one way or another than we've ever done on the show."Ĭonsidering that the trailer for Tuesday's finale seemed to show Cicada stabbing Nora with her dagger as Barry looked on in anguish, these consequences could come in the form of a major character death. "It felt like our characters, one way or the other, there's a lot of for Barry, and for everybody else. "We talked a lot about this when we were breaking the finale episode and the back half of the season," Helbing said of the various redemption arcs this season. Barry told Cisco and Ralph that he wants to use the meta cure on Cicada.Tom Cavanagh and Grant Gustin, The Flash Jack Rowand, Jack Rowand/The CW Meanwhile, Barry came up with a new strategy to defeat Cicada. And she’s willing to keep lying to her parents about it. In a message to Thawne, Nora revealed that she’s working with him to stop Cicada. But as Nora pointed out, Iris’ actions caused the paper to be founded two years early. That’s the name of the paper that featured the headline of the Flash’s disappearance. Sometime later, Barry and Nora helped Iris celebrate her new office and her new newspaper: the Central City Citizen. It allowed Barry and Iris to escape Nora’s mind, and then rescue Nora from Grace’s mind as well. Nora’s mental defense mechanism was the Reverse-Flash, and its subsequent battle with Barry revealed that Iris tried to be a good mother for Nora. Perhaps this means Grace continued her uncle’s legacy. The Flash Museum exhibit for Cicada revealed that the killer returned in 2024, after the Flash disappeared. However, Barry assured Iris that the memory wasn’t real and the future could be changed.

the flash season 5 cicada

Iris was dispirited to see her future self treat her young daughter so harshly at the Flash Museum. More specifically, it was the day Nora was brought into CCPD alone, just like Grace years earlier. The Flash Museumīarry and Iris used the memory machine to enter Nora’s mind, and found themselves in her memories. Cisco also got a text message from the bartender, which may lead to a relationship.

the flash season 5 cicada

That gave Cisco the inspiration he needed for the metahuman cure. Shortly thereafter, the young woman behind the bar struck up a conversation with Cisco. Cisco quickly saw through the charade, and berated Ralph. Or more specifically, Ralph tricked Cisco into being his wingman by pretending to need a vibe on a lead for Cicada.

the flash season 5 cicada

Meanwhile, Cisco and Ralph enjoyed a rare night off at a singles bar.

The flash season 5 cicada